Monday, September 11, 2006

Monoculture vs Culture

Few months ago Robert Peters posted an article about Culture vs Monoculture. He talks about how identity lies at the very core of culture, and it is the key to our understanding of self. Culture encompasses language, traditions, beliefs, morals, laws, social behavior, and the art of a community. Understanding culture is imperative in avoiding identity crisis and rootlessness – and it's a prerequisite for the effective shaping of identities and communication. Yet, everywhere in our shrinking world, we can witness increased homogenization, erosion of indigenous culture, the emergence of non-places (uniform airports, generic shopping malls), and the advancement of what some theorists are calling 'serial monotony'.

Are globalization, free trade agreements, digital technology, the Internet, and increased mobility to blame? Ironically, all have contributed to both the loss of individual and collective identity, and at the same time, have literally "brought the world to our doorstep" along with the myriad of opportunities this presents for designers around the globe.

Aware of the advancing threat of monoculture, can the world's identity designers help conserve and revive those things that make human culture distinct and unique? Can we mine the historical depth of individuality and breadth of multiculturalism to bring new gems of identity to light? Is there still time to avoid losing our sense of who we are, where we've come from, where we belong, and why these distinctions are so important?


Blogger marydorsey said...

Ruthy, just curious as to the source of the article. Thanks!

7:59 AM  
Blogger Ruthy said...

AIGA -Design Forum

11:27 AM  
Blogger mary said...

Will Lidwell gave a presentation at the HOW Conference this summer. It was very well attended. He spoke in depth about 10 of the universal principles and this was one of them. I'll look to see if I have any notes from this, but I do remember him quizzing the crowd with the same questions/diagrams they asked the research group and how everyone was amazed at this particular principle.

2:22 PM  

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