Tuesday, November 14, 2006


One of the pieces in my thesis exhibition will be my Survival Stories books. They have not been exhibited as books to be handled before, so I thought I would take that step since books are meant to be touched and handled. The books will each be situated on separate wall-hung lectern/shelves, and above each will be a large photo (see above) of each book subject. The stories are introspective narratives of four women cancer survivors, including myself. The photos that I chose for above the books are meant to portray looking into ourselves and examining our experiences- basically to map our journeys through cancer and survival. The use of a mirror helped us "reflect" on the stories that we were about to tell. The photos are duotones that reflect the tone of each book- we have our own personalities that come through in our narratives and use of color and image.


Blogger marydorsey said...

Mary, I like the way you are chosing to show the books. The viewer will be encouraged to look deeper into the subject matter by first interacting with the large images. The large images with the reflections are strong and universal in appeal.

11:57 PM  

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